工程 & 能源 Management team oversees the design and upkeep of 电子游戏软件's engineering infrastructure, manages utility systems that support the campus, and operates and maintains the central heating plant in the Service Building.


电子游戏软件能源学院 & 工程 department has direct responsibility for the University's utility budget, 公用事业消费, 公用事业节能项目. The group supports the management of the University's 能源 Management Control System, develops utility budgets for all of BC's properties, and oversees payments of utility bills.



电子游戏软件 has converted the heating plant that serves Claver, 洛约拉, and Xavier Residence Halls with state-of-the-art dual-fuel boilers. This conversion directly reduces the amount of emissions by decreasing fuel consumption and allowing for the use of cleaner-burning natural gas.

Other heating plants, such as the one located in St. Mary's Hall, have been upgraded and emissions lowered through the use of low-sulfur fuel oil.

Ongoing preventive maintenance efforts to steam distribution infrastructure, 例如蒸汽疏水阀程序, 节约燃料油,减少排放.

BC strives to reduce electric use to save dollars and, 反过来, reduce the amount of emissions the electric utility companies emit from their generating plants. 电 conservation has taken place at BC in the following areas:

  • Retrofitting buildings with efficient lighting: Stuart Hall, 66 Commonwealth Ave., 麦克尔罗伊, 书店, 下校区餐饮设施, 中央供热系统, and Edmonds Hall have been recently retrofitted, 公元前400年,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.
  • Installing high-efficiency motors to run building equipment
  • Controlling efficient motor operation with variable-frequency drives
  • Implementing a computerized energy management system to operate the heating, 通风, 还有大楼里的空调
  • Installing motion sensors to turn lights off when areas are not being occupied
  • Participating in Utility-Sponsored Demand Side Management and Response Programs


The 集中供热设备 at 电子游戏软件 provides steam to the majority of buildings on the Main Campus. The Plant has the capability to use #6 oil or natural gas. Knowing that natural gas is an environmentally cleaner burning fuel, the Plant uses natural gas from March through November.


Water conservation is important to guarantee adequate supplies for future needs. 除了, water and sewer costs have risen over 500% in the last 10 years and are continuing to rise. To address these challenges, 电子游戏软件 has taken the following water conservation measures:

  • 安装低流量厕所
  • Installation of low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators
  • Utilization of underground sprinkler systems that provide for an efficient irrigation process


The 集中供热设备 operates and maintains three high-pressure steam boilers providing service for up to 22 buildings.

The Boiler Room Foreman maintains the annual operation of the plant and provides supervision for five operators working three shifts, 一天24小时, 一年365天.

Steam production equipment consists of one Bigelow boiler, field-erected in 1967 and rated to produce 35,每小时1000磅蒸汽; and two identical 1979 Cleaver Brooks package boilers, 额定产量50,每小时1000磅蒸汽. All three boilers are capable of burning either oil or natural gas. The dual-fuel capacity allows for flexibility of mechanical operations, as well as better internal fuel cost management in the competitive fuel supply market.

All heating plant operators are licensed by the Department of Public Safety, Division of 工程 Inspection.

整个夏天, 电子游戏软件 expects to receive electricity grid alerts from our provider during heat waves. We plan to help conserve energy in our buildings across campus by switching off some non-essential lighting and adjusting thermostats.  

We'll be helping to keep the community's lights on by shutting off some of ours!


When we receive these electricity grid alerts, we will send out a Facilities Advisory with specific information about how you can help.  Members of the community will be asked to minimize consumption of electricity as much as possible in the afternoon, 当温度趋于峰值时. In particular, everyone is asked to:

  • 关闭窗口
  • 拉上窗帘和百叶窗
  • Turn off and unplug individual coffee makers, 手机充电器, 打印机, copiers and other electronic equipment not in use
  • In offices with thermostats, raise the setting to 75 degrees
  • 关掉办公室灯
  • Plan ahead for peak days: run large print or copying jobs and charge devices in the morning so the equipment can be turned off if necessary in the afternoon
  • Check unoccupied offices and spaces to turn off electricity in rooms people aren't using

除了, you can help spread the word to your coworkers and others on campus.  You might consider posting these printables on your office bulletin board.



Thank you for your help, small efforts make a big difference!