
自1月份开业以来, 电子游戏软件新的综合科学大楼, 毕顿街245号, 已经主持了数百堂课, 电子游戏正规平台项目, 还有学习课程, 成为校园里最受欢迎的地方之一. 9月29日, 数百名BC校董, 捐助者, 教师, 工作人员, and students gathered to celebrate the formal unveiling of the building with an evening featuring a keynote address by Nobel Prize laureate Paul Romer, 教师小组讨论, 还有几十位教职员工和学生的演讲.

在他的开场白中, Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley described 毕顿街245号 as “a profound statement of institutional and collective belief, both in the potential of this building for today’s students, but also in what it’s going to mean for future generations across 电子游戏软件.”

150年,000-square-foot building is home to the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, 工程系和计算机科学系, 以及谢伊创业中心. Quigley summarized the facility’s interdisciplinary mission by screening a video of the late Paul Farmer, the co-founder of the public health nonprofit Partners in Health, 席勒电子游戏正规平台所于2017年成立. “电子游戏软件 can make its chief contribution in linking our understanding of science and technology to other broad categories,法默在屏幕上说, “and in applying them in a reparative way to social problems.”


Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Romer delivered the keynote address. (李Pellegrini)

本着同样的精神, 《电子游戏正规平台》, 政策企业家, and NYU School of Law professor Paul Romer gave a keynote address titled “What is the Value of the Values of Science,” citing centuries of history to argue that science and society must remain deeply intertwined.

“Science encouraged everyone to be rigorous about honesty and integrity, 这渗入了整个西方文化,罗默说。, who is a co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics Science for his work integrating ideas and innovation into macroeconomic models. “我认为我们不应该把这些价值观视为理所当然. I think we should work to ensure that the next generation is also acculturated into a system that cares about integrity and truth.”

劳拉·J. 斯坦伯格, the Seidner Family Executive Director of the Schiller Institute, introduced a 教师 panel moderated by DeLuca Professor of Biology Thomas Chiles, 负责电子游戏正规平台和学术规划的副教务长. The panel featured Assistant Professor of Engineering Avneet Hira, Schiller Institute Professor of Climate Science and Society Yi Ming, 丹尼尔·J. 菲茨杰拉德数据科学教授乔治·莫勒, each of whom uses scientific methods to study societal problems ranging from inequality to global warming.

Ming曾在美国农业部担任高级科学家.S. 国家海洋和大气管理局, said that he believed 电子游戏软件’s human-centered approach would “make BC a true global leader in devising a holistic response to climate change.”

“Climate change is an issue created by people and experienced by people, 它必须由人来解决,小明说, “so it makes perfect sense to put humans front and center in the fight against it.”

楼上, guests listened to presentations by 教师 and students in 毕顿街245号’s many labs, 工作空间, 公共区域.


格伦·高德特教授,首任约翰·W·肯尼迪. Kozarich ’71 Chair of the Department of Engineering, speaks to attendees at the 245 Beacon St. 打开事件. (李Pellegrini)

在五楼新工程部的家里, department chair Glenn Gaudette and a team of students and postdoctoral fellows explained how they had managed to grow sustainable meat proteins and human heart tissue on decellularized leaves of spinach. “We need engineers who can understand the real needs of society and culture, 然后着手解决这些问题,高黛特说.

隔壁, students and 教师 showed off robots they had built in the building’s Computer Science facilities, including a machine created by Yifan Zhou ’23 with omnidirectional wheels, 夜视, 面部追踪. 与此同时,劳拉·克莱克斯(Laura Clerx)博士.D. 历史系候选人, spoke with guests about a multidisciplinary seminar on climate research, 22岁的Eddy Jiang介绍了Affirm实验室, a School of Social Work initiative working with the Schiller Institute to reduce inequities for marginalized youth. Jiang said that working with the Institute’s computer scientists had been a mutual 学习 experience. “The beauty of the Schiller Institute is that it connects us,他说, 但它让我们保持了自我.”

在楼下, students from the Shea Center for Entrepreneurship presented on start-ups and other new projects, while others in the prototyping and maker spaces shared what they had made using the building’s state-of-the-art equipment. Will Gotanda ’25 had built a kinetic sculpture using the facility’s 3D printers and laser cutters, while Jasroop Dhingra ’25 had printed herself a new iPhone case. 他们的同学赛勒斯·罗森, 英国广播公司木工队的成员, was building a set of drawer dividers for his mother’s birthday.

以人为本工程专业的麦琪·海因斯25岁, the maker space known as The Hatchery was a space for exploration, 学习, 还有新的发现. “I’d never seen a 3D printer or a vinyl cutter nine months ago, 但现在我觉得自己相当精通,”她说。. “I love that anyone can access this space and learn, whatever they’re majoring in.”

大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J., said that he felt that the word “hatchery” was apt for describing what was happening at 毕顿街245号. “We are coming up with new ideas, new ways of exchanging ideas, and new ways of looking,他说. “我们有很多理由为我们的社区感到高兴.”

Phil Schiller ’82 summed up this spirit of innovation and collaboration during his benefactor’s remarks. Reflecting on the vision he and his wife Kim Gassett-Schiller had for the Schiller Institute and 245 Beacon as a whole, he told the crowd: “Come in during the day and see the students who fill the labs, 教室, 还有充满创造力的大厅, 好奇心, 和热情. Because that’s what it’s all about, and that’s why we created this.”

约翰·莎士比亚|大学传播| 2022年10月