Lowell Humanities Series speakers

Spring 2023 SCHEDULE

Seyla Benhabib

Seyla Benhabib
January 25 | 7:00 p.m. | Gasson 100

耶鲁大学尤金·迈耶政治学和哲学名誉教授, Benhabib is the author of numerous books, 并获得了著名奖项和讲师的职位,以表彰她的工作. At Columbia University, she is a senior research fellow and adjunct law professor, an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Philosophy, and senior fellow at its Center for Contemporary Critical Thought.

Her most recent book is 流亡、无国籍与移民:与历史下棋,从汉娜·阿伦特到以赛亚·伯林. Her other books include: The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era; the award-winning The Rights of Others: Aliens, Citizens and Residents; 另一种世界主义:好客、主权和民主迭代; Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in Troubled Times; Equality and Difference: Human Dignity and Popular Sovereignty; and 迈向新民主想像:伊斯坦布尔伊斯兰教、文化与政治研讨会.

benhabib的作品已被翻译成多种语言,他获得了古根海姆奖学金,并在许多美国和欧洲机构担任电子游戏正规平台分支机构和高级学者. 由国际电子游戏正规平台项目和全球公民项目共同赞助.

Francis X. Clooney, S.J.

Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Candlemas Lecture
February 8 | 7:00 p.m. | Gasson 100

Fr. Clooney, 现任美国天主教神学协会主席,1984年至2005年在电子游戏软件任教, 是哈佛神学院的帕克曼神学教授和比较神学教授吗.

被公认为当代比较神学之父, 他在印度教-基督教比较神学领域出版了大量书籍. He has also written on the Jesuit missionary tradition, particularly in India, on the early Jesuit pan-Asian discourse on reincarnation, 以及当代世界中对话和宗教间学习的动态.

His recent books include Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics: Why and How It Matters; 西方耶稣会学者在印度:追寻他们的道路,重新评估他们的目标 and St. 约瑟夫在南印度:科斯坦佐·吉奥塞福·贝斯基的诗歌、使命和神学Tēmpāvaṇi. Cosponsored by the Theology Department.

Colm Tóibín

Colm Tóibín
“Writing Thomas Mann: Fact into Fiction”
February 22 | 7:00 p.m. | Gasson 100

Born in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Tóibín lived in Barcelona from 1975-1978; out of his experience he wroteThe South and Homage to Barcelona.

Among his more recent, award-winning novels are: The Magician; House of Names; Nora Webster; and The Testament of Mary. 他是短篇小说集的作者,在都柏林上演的两部戏剧,回忆录 A Guest at the Feast, and non-fiction books.

A contributor to the New York Review of Books and contributing editor at the London Review of Books, Tóibín’s writing has been translated into many languages. 他曾在著名大学教授写作,现任哥伦比亚大学梅隆大学英语与比较文学系教授、利物浦大学校长. Cosponsored by the Irish Studies Program and Fiction Days Series.

Imani Perry

Imani Perry
March 1| 7:00 p.m. | Gasson 100

Perry was born nine years after the Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州第16街浸信会教堂爆炸案,从小就被灌输正义和进步变革的本能. The interplay between history, race, law, 她是一位广受好评的作家,也是普林斯顿大学休斯-罗杰斯非裔美国人电子游戏正规平台教授. It reflects the complex history of Black thought, art, and imagination, and her background as a legal historian.

A narrative journey through the American South, her latest book, 《电子游戏软件》这本书通过历史、个人和轶事的视角来看待南方. 被称为“丰富而富有想象力的美国重要地区之旅” Publishers Weekly这本书被《电子游戏软件》杂志评为2022年最受期待的书籍之一,并于2015年首次亮相 The New York Times bestseller list.

Perry’s writing has appeared in high-profile publications. 由非洲和非洲侨民项目,法学院和历史系共同主办.

Yamiche Alcindor

Yamiche Alcindor
March 15 | 7:00 p.m
. | Gasson 100

海地移民的女儿,他们在电子游戏软件上学时相识, 阿尔辛多撰写了大量关于种族和政治交集的文章,在分析我们这个时代民主党和共和党的关键问题方面,他是一个杰出的声音.

自2022年以来,她一直是NBC新闻的华盛顿记者,也是PBS的主持人和主持人。 Washington Week. 在加入NBC之前,她是公共广播公司的白宫记者 NewsHour. As a MSNBC contributor, Alcindor appears on Morning Joe and Meet the Press. Earlier in her career, she was a journalist for The New York Times and USA Today.

She has traveled extensively, including to Helsinki, Finland, for President Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 她曾获得白宫记者协会奥尔多·贝克曼奖,以表彰她在白宫报道方面的整体卓越表现,并获得2020年NABJ年度记者奖. 由克拉夫宪政民主电子游戏正规平台中心和新闻项目共同赞助.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson
“The Future of Climate, Technology, and Society”
March 29 | 7:00 p.m. | Gasson 100

An American science fiction writer, Robinson is the author of more than 20 books, including the international bestselling Mars trilogy, and New York 2140, Aurora, Shaman, Green Earth, and 2312, a New York Times 《电子游戏正规平台》提名了7个主要科幻类奖项,这在任何一本书中都是首次.

Sent to the Antarctic by the U.S. 1995年国家科学基金会南极艺术家和作家项目, he returned in their media program in 2016. Named a “Hero of the Environment” by TIME magazine, 他的作品被翻译成多种语言,并在五个国家获得了十多个奖项.

他的荣誉包括因科幻小说终身成就奖而获得的海因莱因奖、亚瑟C. 克拉克想象力服务社会奖,小行星72432被命名为“金罗宾逊”.” His novel, The Ministry for the Future, was selected as one of Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of 2020; his most recent, The High Sierra: A Love Story 是他在内华达山脉探险的纪实作品吗.

由席勒综合科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所共同赞助, the Earth and Environmental Sciences and English departments, the Environmental Studies Program, 以及林奇教育与人类发展学院的心理人文与伦理中心.

Dipesh Chakrabarty

Dipesh Chakrabarty
“The Planetary Turn in Human History”

April 13 | 7:00 p.m. | Gasson 100

Chakrabarty is the University of Chicago Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor in History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations; faculty director of the University of Chicago Center in Delhi, and a faculty fellow of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory.

His publications include several monographs and articles. A founding member of the editorial collective of Subaltern Studies, a consulting editor of Critical Inquiry, and founding editor of Postcolonial Studies, he also was a founding editor of the series South Asia Across the Disciplines, and has served on several boards.

Chakrabarty因其对全球历史的贡献获得了汤因比基金会奖,并因其著作获得了西孟加拉邦政府颁发的泰戈尔纪念奖 The Crises of Civilization.

The Lowell Humanities Series is sponsored by the Lowell Institute, the Institute for the Liberal Arts at Boston College, and the Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculties.

All events are free and open to the public. 欲了解更多细节,包括教师和学生的资源,请访问 Lowell Humanities Series website.

University Communications | January 2023