Res Hall Talks

Res Hall Talks are interactive programs in which students share their views about the issues they’re dealing with during their transition to college. ResTalks focus on a variety of issues including relationships, friendships, safety, body image, and career planning.

RA responsibilities

  • Find a room for the event. ResTalks are usually held in dorm room lounges or other common area spaces.
  • Advertise the ResTalks to your floor. The WC will make flyers and quarter sheets available for pickup upon request.
  • Coordinate snacks and drinks for the event.
  • Notify the WC if fewer than 8 people will be attending the program (8 people is the minimum for all ResTalks).
  • Choose one of the WC’s pre-established dates/times and email to confirm that it is still available.

Current Offerings

Real Talk

Real Talk is an opportunity to facilitate thought-provoking and interesting discussion about a variety of important topics relevant to undergraduate students that they many not otherwise get a chance to unpack. Each session begins with the two WC staff members introducing the students to the Women’s Center’s services and programs. The staff members then read a series of statements on a variety of topics including body image, perfectionism, belonging, and relationships and invite students to respond to these statements. The conversation evolves into a discussion that allows participants to hear how their peers are experiencing BC. 

Undressing the Hookup Culture

Undressing the Hookup Culture provides an opportunity for all students to discuss topics surrounding the hookup culture in a safe and confidential environment, bringing to light false stereotypes, misconceptions, and sometimes problematic consequences. Student staff members from the WC will facilitate discussion on topics including consent, safety, sexual health, and the influence of alcohol. Students will be encouraged to consider the decisions and circumstances that lead them to pursue or refrain from hooking up, reflecting on topics such as the double standards directed at different genders, peer pressure, self-image, and non-judgment.

RAs can request a ResTalk from WC staff by filling out the form below. The WC can add additional topics based on the interests of the RA or the RA's residents. RAs are able to hold the program for just their own floor, or join with another RA and include both floors.


Unsaid provides a safe forum for students to engage in discussions on many of the unspoken and unrealistic expectations of “beauty” and “health” at Boston College. A facilitator from the Women’s Center will guide students through a “line activity,” in which participants assess their level of agreement or disagreement with a series of Unsaid statements. These statements range from lighter observations like, “I enjoy BC dining,” to more thought-provoking statements like, “I’ve been able to form authentic relationships at school,” or “My appearance is one of my primary concerns before heading out on weekend nights.” After each successive statement, the facilitator will open the floor to participant reactions and discussion.