Advisory Board

成立ISRC咨询委员会的目的是为当前的ISRC成员提供咨询和指导.  Its mission is to continue to foster the Institute's legacy of racial identity research and discussion around race and culture as they relate to mental health; to provide a network of support and mentorship between alumni members and current ISRC graduate students; and to promote increased understanding of the meaning of race and culture in today's society, based on the tenets of social justice and/or counseling psychology.

Advisory Board Members

Alvin Alvarez
Alvin Alvarez
Dean, College of Health & Social Sciences
San Francisco State University
Alvin Alvarez

Alvin Alvarez

Dean, College of Health & Social Sciences

San Francisco State University

Alvin N. Alvarez is the Dean of the College of Health & Social Sciences At San Francisco State University. Alvarez’s academic work has focused on Asian Americans, racial identity and the psychological impact of racism. 他的奖学金得到了国家精神卫生电子游戏正规平台所的支持,并被授予珍妮特E. Helms Award for Mentoring and Scholarship, 美国大学人事协会颁发的亚太美国网络电子游戏正规平台奖, 2011年《电子游戏正规平台》最佳论文奖和APA田中纪念论文奖. 阿尔瓦雷斯曾担任少数民族利益促进国家心理协会理事会领导发展电子游戏正规平台所所长, 为此,他被心理咨询学会授予终身成就奖. He is a former president of the Asian American Psychological Association, from which he received Early Career Award and the Distinguished Contributions Award.

阿尔瓦雷斯获得加州大学心理学和生物科学学士学位, Irvine, 并在马里兰大学获得了咨询心理学硕士和博士学位.

Yara Mekawi
Yara Mekawi
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of Louisville
Yara Mekawi

Yara Mekawi

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

University of Louisville

Dr. Yara Mekawi是路易斯维尔大学心理与脑科学系的助理教授. 她是挑战种族主义持续遗产(COLOR)实验室的主任,她的电子游戏正规平台重点是在情感和认知的交叉点电子游戏正规平台种族歧视和种族偏见. Using interdisciplinary and multi-method approaches, 她进行了三个主要的电子游戏正规平台方向:(a)在种族边缘化群体中,与种族有关的压力与精神病理相关联的认知和情感机制是什么? (b)在白人中维持种族偏见行为和态度的认知和情感因素是什么? (c)减少种族偏见和改善其对种族边缘群体个人心理健康影响的最有效战略是什么? Dr. Mekawi感兴趣的是评估和整合组织内有意义的DEI实践,以及旨在增加历史上被排斥的种族群体获得机会的干预措施的实施.

Onnie Rogers
Onnie Rogers
Principal Investigator of the Development of Identities in Cultural Environments (DICE) Lab
Northwestern University
Onnie Rogers

Onnie Rogers

Principal Investigator of the Development of Identities in Cultural Environments (DICE) Lab

Northwestern University

Dr. Onnie Rogers, 西北大学文化环境中身份发展(DICE)实验室首席电子游戏正规平台员, 一个发展心理学家和身份学者的电子游戏正规平台兴趣是否集中在人类发展的交叉点, diversity and equity, and education. Dr. 罗杰斯感兴趣的是社会和教育的不平等,以及宏观层面的不平等在身份和关系的微观层面上得以延续和破坏的机制. 她的电子游戏正规平台集中在不同种族/民族的儿童和青少年的观点和经验. As a professor and a researcher, Dr. Rogers advocates for equity with an intersectional lens and does research on race and gender, and their role in identity development among youth in urban contexts. When not in the office, Dr. Rogers enjoys practicing yoga, eating chocolate, or shuttling her daughters (ages 6 and 10) to various activities. 

Scott Seider
Scott Seider
Associate Professor
Lynch School of Education and Human Development
Scott Seider

Scott Seider

Associate Professor

Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Scott Seider是一位应用发展心理学家,他的电子游戏正规平台重点是教育工作者在培养年轻人的公民发展和批判意识方面所扮演的角色. 他是三本书和许多文章的作者,这些文章报道了致力于支持学生在这些领域积极发展的教育工作者的有前途的实践. At Boston College, Dr. Seider teaches undergraduate and graduate courses focused on adolescent development, transformative teaching and learning, qualitative research methods, and social oppression and transformation. 此前,他曾在波士顿公立学校担任英语教师,并在波士顿大学担任教师教育家. Dr. Seider目前还在许多不同的青年服务组织(包括Expeditionary Learning (EL) Education)的顾问委员会任职, the Journal of Adolescent Research,, and the Center for Parent & Teen Communication.

Leo Wilton
Leo Wilton
State University of New York at Binghamton
Leo Wilton

Leo Wilton


State University of New York at Binghamton

Leo Wilton, Ph.D., MPH, 是纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校社区与公共事务学院人类发展系的教授.

His research interests include health disparities and inequities (HIV and AIDS); Black psychological development and mental health; critical community-based participatory research; and mixed- and multi-methods research. His scholarly research on the HIV epidemic focuses on the intersectionality of race, gender and sexuality, as situated in macro- and micro-level inequities in Black communities, both nationally and internationally. 他的电子游戏正规平台涉及社会结构和文化背景如何影响非洲人和非洲侨民社区内人们的发展和福祉的复杂性. In this context, 他的学术电子游戏正规平台项目的总体目标是电子游戏正规平台社会结构和文化因素,这些因素为黑人社区中文化一致的艾滋病预防和护理干预的发展提供了基础. 他曾担任美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院(NIH)资助的几项电子游戏正规平台的首席电子游戏正规平台员(PI)或联合电子游戏正规平台员. He teaches courses on psychology of racism, Black child and adolescent development, Black families, psychology of HIV and AIDS, and research methods.