Graduate Program


Ph.D Program At a Glance


Small Cohort Size

平均每年有16名全日制学生, 我们能够提供广泛的课程,同时提供个人关注. 

STEM Options

该程序已被归类为STEM (CIP代码45).0603: Econometrics and Quantitative Economics). STEM学位课程的学生可以申请F1可选实习培训(OPT)的24个月STEM延期。.


Ph.D. requirements include course work, comprehensive examinations, a doctoral dissertation, and a one-year residence requirement.


IDEAS rankings, 2020

among U.S. economics departments

Where do our graduates work?

博士课程旨在通过提供强大的经济理论背景,培养从事教学和电子游戏正规平台的经济学家, quantitative research methods and applied fields.

University of Alberta, Edmonton

Marco Brianti, 2021


Joe Cooprider, 2020

Santa Clara University

Vito Cormun, 2020

European Central Bank

Laura Gáti, 2021

The Brattle Group, Boston

Bogdan Genchev, 2020

Xiamen University

Liyang Hong, 2021

Analysis Group, Brussels

Krisztina Horvath, 2020

Renmin University, Beijing

Yushan Hu, 2020

University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School

Zafer Kanik, 2020


Navin Kumar, 2021


Christina Letsou, 2020

Analysis Group, Boston

Sajala Pandey, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

How competitive is the program?

We receive about 400 applications, 录取率高达10%,最终会有大约15名新生. 

How much will it cost?


When can I start?


Application Process


招生过程是这样的:随着申请截止日期的临近, 招生委员会开始审查所有申请. Applications are reviewed as in a pool; i.e.在美国,决定是通过对当年的所有申请进行比较来做出的. 每个候选人的申请都是完整的,只有完整的申请才会被考虑.


Regular Decision
January 2

Application Form

Apply Now

有75美元的申请费是不可退还的,用于处理您的申请. 您可以选择在提交申请表之前在线支付这笔费用. 如果您选择等待支付费用,您可以选择通过 Portal. 或者你可以寄一张75美元的不可退款支票或汇票, 支付给电子游戏软件的受托人处理中心或直接招生办公室.

Fee Waiver Form

Academic Background

强大的数学训练是在我们的项目中取得成功的关键; 最低推荐课程是:三门微积分课程, courses in linear and matrix algebra, a course in real analysis, and a “real” statistics course. The committee has found that achieving a score of at least 166 in the quantitative exam in the GRE is beneficial for success in the program (the accepted applicants' average score this year is 166); this is considered of prime importance in the evaluation of applications.

Statement of Purpose

我们需要一份简短的(1-2页)个人陈述,申请人应该在其中讨论他们的准备工作, motivation, and goals for their proposed courses of study. 如果您对声明有任何疑问,请与部门联系.

Letters of Recommendation

需要三封推荐信,可以与申请表一起以电子方式提交. 推荐信也可以在GSAS招生办公室收到,作为一种选择.

If you are presently employed, 我们建议你向一个或最好是两个你曾经学习过的教授索要推荐信, particularly a math professor. 在评估申请人的录取机会时,工作经验没有正式的权重. 雇主的推荐信往往是奉承的,但没有提供信息. 

如果由大学直接发送并由安置官员签署,则可以接受大学安置办公室存档的信件. 要求推荐信在信封盖上签名寄出. 如果BC收到密封破损的推荐信,则申请可能被取消资格. 推荐人可能更愿意将其推荐信直接邮寄给我们. 如果是这种情况,您应该采取任何必要的步骤来验证建议是否已发送到BC.


非正式成绩单可以上传到您的在线申请表中,用于申请审查. 但是,正式成绩单也必须在录取/电子游戏软件时提交. 本科和电子游戏正规平台生成绩单都是必需的.


Boston College, Lynch School of Education
Data Processing Center
P.O. Box 8027
Portsmouth, NH 03802


Boston College, Lynch School of Education

Campion Hall 135
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Standardized Tests

The GRE is required, general test only; the subject test is not required. Applications without GRE scores will be considered incomplete; decisions for acceptance will not be made without GRE scores. We accept only original score reports for the GRE & TOEFL and IELTS exams; no copies will be accepted. 

GRE成绩只有在ETS直接提交时才是正式的. 我们需要电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件考试(GRE)的成绩。. 在过去五年内没有参加过gre考试的申请人应该联系他们想要的部门,看看是否需要最近的成绩. 电子游戏正规平台生院建议您尽早注册gre,以便在申请时可以获得分数. For information regarding test dates, etc., contact:

The Graduate Record Examination
Princeton, New Jersey

强大的数学训练是在我们的项目中取得成功的关键; 最低推荐课程是:三门微积分课程, courses in linear and matrix algebra, a course in real analysis, and a “real” statistics course. The committee has found that achieving a score of at least 166 in the quantitative exam in the GRE is beneficial for success in the program (the accepted applicants' average score this year is 166); this is considered of prime importance in the evaluation of applications.

Note: 如果您有早期考试的个人成绩报告,您可以将其包含在申请中, however, 你必须要求ETS将官方成绩报告直接发送到电子游戏正规平台生院:电子游戏软件, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Code 3083.

Application Status Check

如果您在线提交申请表格,您应该会收到BC的电子邮件,其中包含登录Agora门户的用户名和密码. 通过Agora,您可以通过单击应用程序状态选项卡来检查应用程序的状态. 你必须选择你申请的正确的学校. If you applied to a number of BC Graduate Schools, 你只会收到一封包含上述资料的电邮.

如果您没有收到带有凭据的电子邮件,则可以访问 Web Application Status Check here. 您将被要求提供您分配的身份证号码或您在网上提交申请表格时收到的确认号码.

注意:如果你提交的申请项目超出了部门指定的要求(例如.e. 来自多个机构的正式成绩单或额外的推荐信),请联系GSAS Admissions office to ensure receipt of all items.

International Students

文理电子游戏正规平台生院要求说英语以外的母语的学生通过托福和雅思提供英语水平证明. 托福网考成绩达到100分或以上或7分.0 or higher on the IELTS test is required. 托福和雅思成绩被认为在申请项目截止日期前最多两年的考试中有效. Remember to enter the Boston College School Code 3083 when taking the TOEFL exam to ensure GSAS receives your score report; If submitting the IELTS score report, 请将成绩发送到GSAS招生办公室或指定GSAS作为您的成绩报告接收方.

Proof of English proficiency is not required if:

  • You are a citizen of Australia, Canada (except Quebec), Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Guyana, an Anglophone country of Africa, or an English-speaking country of the Caribbean.
  • 你在美国获得了先前的学院或大学学位.S. 或上述国家之一,或在官方教学语言为英语的机构学习. 在收到上述机构授予学位的正式成绩单后,您的申请将免除语言能力要求.
  • 你目前是美国一所大学的全日制学生.S. 学位授予课程,或在上述国家之一的美国或英语学校,或在官方教学语言为英语的机构,并且在开始学习之前将完成两个学年的学院/大学工作. 在收到在上述机构完成两年/四个学期的正式成绩单后,您的申请将免除语言能力要求.

国际学生需要考虑经济问题. Each year there is a specific amount of money which an international student must certify that he/she has to be able to live in this area of the United States; the amounts granted in the awards of assistantships and/or tuition remission do not equal this requirement. 学生需要用自己的资金来弥补差额. If you are accepted into the program, 在满足财务要求之前,签证程序不能启动. 学校国际学生学者办公室(联系电话. 617-552-8005; e-mail: make all decisions on the issuance of visas. 签证事宜请直接与他们沟通.