
The 电子游戏软件 紧急 Notification System sends out campus-wide emails 和 text messages to 电子游戏软件 学生, 教师, 和工作人员一样 BC安全移动应用. Postings to websites 和 social media pages are used as well. To learn more about emergency notificaiton 和 how to receive alerts, visit the 不列颠哥伦比亚省紧急通讯页.


电子游戏软件紧急事件网站和 BC安全移动应用 will be updated with messages, information, 和 instructions. There will also be information on the emergency on the 电子游戏软件 Office of 应急管理 Facebook页面Twitter页面, 和 the emergency information line can be reached at 1-888-BOS-COLL (1-888-267-2655). 由于在紧急情况下对资源的需求, BC Police will most likely be very occupied 和 therefore not able to answer non-emergency calls. Utilize the other emergency contacts at 电子游戏软件 before the 电子游戏软件 Police Department.


Are parents able to be added to the 电子游戏软件 emergency notification system?

We do not include parents directlly in our emergency notification system. This is because the amount of additional text messages 和 emails necessary to send out would drastically slow down the response system. 尽管如此, we have many other outlets for parents/guardians to stay informed such as the website mackinbridges.net/emergency, Facebook页面Twitter页面 经常电子游戏正规平台.   家长也可以下载BC省安全移动应用程序, which receives alerts at the same time they are sent to 学生 和 工作人员.


What should a student or 工作人员 member do when they receive an emergency notification?

  • 按照留言中给出的指示(如果有的话)进行操作.
  • 提醒身边的人.
  • 联系 your family 和 friends to let them know you are safe
  • somsdir.mackinbridges.net/emergency 了解更多详细信息



虽然紧急情况在电子游戏软件很少见, 过去有过冬季风暴的经历, 有害物质, 火灾, 以及其他各种活动.  To learn more about what emergencies can impact the campus, visit the BC潜在危险页面.


What is the role of 电子游戏软件’s Office of 应急管理?

Our goal is to promote a culture of preparedness on campus through outreach to our 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客. Our website 和 other pages are to be used as a resource for emergency procedures, 准备工作, 以及其他日常安全建议. We work with departments 和 groups across campus to develop emergency plans 和 procedures, educate 和 train members of the 电子游戏软件 community about preparedness 和 test 和 exercise the emergency systems, 大学的程序和计划.

What is the most important thing I can do to plan effectively for an emergency?

  • 组装或购买一个应急供应包.  有关 BC如何准备页面.
  • Familiarize yourself with what emergencies can occur on/near campus 和 the correlating safety procedures.
  • Be sure that all contact information is updated so the 紧急 Notifications can reach you effectively.
  • Create a Family 沟通 Plan so that friends 和 family can stay informed about your safety 和 well being during an emergency.
  • Keep updated on the emergency status of the university 和 local area which can be done on the mackinbridges.net/emergency网站
  • If you have a medical condition where you may need to take medicine immediately (allergies, 糖尿病, 等.这药一定要随身携带, or to at least wear some kind of indicator such as a medical bracelet or necklace so that health professionals can identify 和 help with specific needs you may have.


通常是在需要疏散的情况下, 学生, 教师, 工作人员 和游客 will be directed to other large buildings on campus such as libraries or dining halls. It is a good idea to bring an 紧急 Supply Kit with you. 参观 BC在紧急情况下该怎么做 学习在疏散时该做些什么.



If a particular emergency occurs 和 the hazards are outdoors, there will be a request that the 电子游戏软件 community Shelter In Place. This means to find 和 enter the nearest building, to stay indoors 和 away from windows 和 doors. It is important to remain indoors until an official gives a notification that it is safe to leave. 更多关于 不列颠哥伦比亚省避难所到位.


What is the difference between a weather watch 和 weather warning?

手表意味着危险天气的适宜条件. In other words, a "watch" means watch out for what the weather could do, be ready to act. This means that the storm is not yet happening, but that the weather could become severe quickly. A warning means that severe weather is already in the area 和 it is important to take shelter immediately.


What should be in an 紧急 Supply Kit 和 where do I find these items?

Some basic necessities for an 紧急 Supply Kit can be found on the 不列颠哥伦比亚省应急供应包页面. You can create your own kit by assembling these items together. 这些东西可以在杂货店里买到, 药店, 野营商店, 家庭中心商店和大型零售商店. 也可以购买完整的供应套件, ranging from ten dollars to hundreds of dollars depending on the contents of the kit. 你可以在各种零售商和网上找到这些.

应急用品包应该放在宿舍里, 车, or place where it can be stored but easily accessed during an emergency. In a time of evacuation, it is important to take your kit with you!



This is a way to stay in contact with family 和 friends during an emergency. 电话和互联网可能并不总是可用的, 所以制定一个沟通计划是很重要的. Determine a single contact (usually a family member) outside of your area. Make sure friends 和 family know who this person is 和 how to contact them. 如果你受到紧急情况的影响, notify friends 和 family as soon as possible to let them know where you are/ how you are doing. If you cannot reach them, let your single contact person know.

请浏览 卑诗省家庭通讯计划 浏览更多详情.

It is also a good idea to program an In Case of 紧急 (ICE) contact phone number into your mobile phone in case first responders (EMS personnel, 消防队员, 警察, 等.)正试图联系你的家人.

你也可以在 红十字会网站 to let others in your family know that you are out of harm’s way.